POS For Flower shops

FlexPOS all-in-one payment solution for your Flower shop.

Checkout system for flower Shop

Why is FlexPOS a good match for florists?

  • Shortcuts to products and product groups directly at checkout
    Create shortcuts to your best-selling products.
  • LabelPrint
    Make use of the underlying management program “BackOffice”, so you can print the labels you need in most sizes (requires label printer).
  • Barcode scanner
    Included in the hardware is a barcode scanner, so you can easily scan the customer’s items into the box.
  • Easy-to-use touch box device
    FlexPOS uses touch technology, and therefore you get a touch box device.
  • Single store or chain
    The system is built-in with the option of inventory management and an additional option to purchase advanced inventory management. FlexPOS can handle over 300,000 items. This is true whether it is a single store or a chain.
  • Coupon module
    With FlexPOS coupon module, you can print exchange stamps, guarantee vouchers, gift cards and vouchers directly on the voucher via the voucher printer.
  • Integration to webshop and financial system
    The FlexPOS system is integrated with several different webshops and financial systems. We recommend nopCommerce as a webshop and Uniconta as financial management.

Get going immediately

Book a meeting with us and we will come by and show you what the system can do for you and your business.

You can also take our quiz og and get an idea of which solution is the one for your business.

Also, it is possible to watch our webinar.


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