POS for STORE chains and bigger shops

FlexPOS, all-in-one check out system for your business.

POS for chains and bigger shops

 When you need to choose a checkout system for the store, there are several things to consider.

You need to consider ease of use, flexibility, functionality and other IT systems that need to be connected.

As a FlexPOS retailer, with 2doit, we can do much more than just offer you a checkout system for your store, we will look at what your business needs are, so we can put together a solution that optimizes your reports and your sales.

You can read more about FlexPOS prices here.

Benefits of choosing FlexPOS


FlexPOS surpasses the vast majority of cash register solutions in both speed and ease of use. And because it is already in the cloud, your data is always backed up with a backup.

Inventory management

With FlexPOS, you have great flexibility and the opportunity to connect the finance system with the webshop. Furthermore, FlexPOS also offers lots of modules, such as inventory management and promotional features.


With FlexPOS, you can choose to use the system with a standard cash register, use a Windows-based tablet, or both.

The flexibility makes it possible to adapt it to many industries. So whether it’s restaurant, retail, beauty or another industry, FlexPOS can be tailored to your stores.


Order a demo and get an overview of what FlexPOS can do for you.

Benefits of FlexPOS(Danish)


Book a meeting

When we work with Enterprise solutions, it is a mixture of both evaluation meetings and demos, to get the holistic picture of your stores and your IT. Book a meeting by pressing the green button. Then we will contact you as soon as possible.

You get a review of FLEXPOS

After an initial talk over the phone, we will come by and give you a review of FlexPOS. Furthermore, we also review opportunities within ERP and inventory management.

You will receive a presentation

After our visit to your company, we will send a presentation.

We will strike a deal

If you are satisfied with the presentation, we will make an agreement. The agreement contains all the details about support, number of machines, modules, integrations and much more.


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