Benefits of switching to Uniconta


With Uniconta, you can automate a number of things with your vouchers. Much of the manual work is handled by the system, thus saving valuable time in your business.

Superior inventory management

To facilitate the data flow and to make sure it’s as automated as possible, Uniconta has built-in inventory management that allows you to connect other systems. In addition, there are lots of options when it comes to storage features.

Stable and flexible

Uniconta is a cloud based solution that allows you to access the system anywhere. You get a paperless account that is stored in the cloud.

But one of the most important elements is the ability to generate reports with important key figures from your company.

try uniconta for free

For 30 days!

Fordele ved skifte til Uniconta


Phone call

First, we need you to contact us. You can easily book a meeting right here! Once we have received your inquiry, we will contact you.

Free assessment meeting

We will come to you and talk about your needs. Then we will present to you how we can implement Uniconta in your IT structure.

You will be offered an analysis of your needs and an implementation plan

If we agree on a possible collaboration and solution scenario, then you will be offered an analysis and implementation plan.

We will strike a deal

After the plan is approved, we will strike a deal!

Get started right away!

If you want to try Uniconta for free and without obligation for 30 days – then create a user or buy Uniconta online.

You can create a user and an account – and then you’re good to go!

On Youtube it’s possible to watch short instruction videos, so you can get started on your own.


få Gratis adgang til Uniconta

Indtast dit navn og mail, og du vil blive viderestillet til trin 2.
Herefter vil du få adgang til 30-dages gratis Uniconta.

Når du tilmelder dig,  accepterer du samtidig, at modtage nyhedsmails vedrørende Uniconta. Du kan afmelde dig via linket i bunden af nyhedsmailen. Vi tager dine personlige data meget alvorligt, og du kan læse mere om vores privatlivspolitik her.