Meet the team

About us

A little bit about our IT supporters and also what we can help your business with.

At IT Servicedesk, we currently have 9 employees in Denmark and 8 employees in Poland.


Our team of IT supporters is extremely dedicated, and we have different competencies within IT tasks, including E-Commerce, CRM, ERP and POS-solutions. And are retailers of Uniconta, WebCRM and FlexPOS with our partners from 2do IT.


In order for us to be our absolute best and to be able to offer our clients the best and most complete solutions, we have partnered up with other companies throughout the country.


If you need 24/7 support, we also offer it. This allows us to help with all the IT problems you and your company experience both in everyday life and at night.

Lets have a non-binding talk today!

.... and tell us how we can help you


Lenette Dimple

Lenette Dimple


Rene Dimple

Rene Dimple

IT & ERP Consultant

Mads Andersen

Mads Andersen

Operations Manager

Alexander Monrad

Alexander Monrad

IT Customer Supporter

Danni Olsen

Danni Olsen

IT Customer Supporter

Alex Modin

Alex Modin

IT Customer Supporter

Niels Peter Jepsen

Niels Peter Jepsen

IT Customer Supporter

Leonardo Villanelo

Leonardo Villanelo

Digital Project Manager

Daniell Adam Rehder

Daniell Adam Rehder

IT Customer Supporter


Piotr Wyczolkowski

Piotr Wyczolkowski

Service Desk Team Leader

Lukasz Kopec

Lukasz Kopec

IT Customer Supporter

Piotr Tomsia

Piotr Tomsia

IT Consultant

Maciej Kubicki

Maciej Kubicki

IT Customer Supporter

Magda Kabelis

Magda Kabelis

IT Customer Supporter

Albert Filonov

Albert Filonov

IT Customer Supporter

What do you need help with?

What can we help you with?

Our team of IT supporters offers sparring and setup for solutions within E-Commerce, CRM, ERP and POS.

Our focus is to put together as much automation as possible so that your business saves both money and time in administration. We also regularly offer free webinars in the various areas.

If you need help with E-Commerce-, CRM-, ERP- or POS-solutions, then click on the button beneath "Book meeting" and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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